
By Chaos

Kashitna Community Church

I thought of this little log church when I saw Kiwidino's photo of the church in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The Kashitna Community Church is just about 10 miles down the road from Nancy Lake. On the Church List it is described as Independent denomination.

The Russian Orthodox Church was the first to have it's influence upon the Alaskan Territories in the mid 1700s. However, from about the mid 1800's until the 1930's the wilderness inhabitants had to survive without much help from God. I think that is why Alaskans are independent soles.

You can become a member of the Kashitna Community Church here.

Edit: This was originally in color. I must have been sleeping. bluesheep woke me up by showing me this image.

Kashitna Community Church, Willow, Alaska (google maps)

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