Life with K.C.


What a week....

Firstly it was another ballet show for me today. Like yesterday we watched the last class of the term, today's was Big Daughters. Lovely....

You'll see I've back blipped the last 3 days and I've barely commented this week (thanks to those of you have continued to comment on mine - you know who you are!). Well it's been a funny week....

This is what's happened......

~ Rosie (cat) fell down the stairs & was limping
~ Rosie was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia which is rare in cats & not good news
~ Pink Twin got headlice again
~ Big Daughter got headlice for the first time. She had quite a few & has long hair
~ Blue Twin had a bad hacking cough
~ Pink Twin got conjunctivitis (current)
~ Pink Twin had a high temperature & is poorly (current)

Then to finish it off....

~ I overdosed Rosie's anti-inflamatory drugs. I gave her 4 times the amount she was meant to have. So we spent the afternoon at the vets, they needed to do a blood test to see if it effected her kidneys but she was too feisty & nearly passed out from the stress so they decided if she was that fiesty clearly she isn't too ill. It's all my fault as I misread the directions. So we're keeping an eye on her...

Oh & my best friend has just invited me out for her birthday but we're at a wedding so can't go...

So here's hoping next week is a better one.....

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