Neighbour's Gate.

I just liked this tonight!
We are a wee bit worried tonight because R snr must go for a relatively small operation tomorrow, to have a hernia of the belly button fixed, but the worrying factor is that he experiences anaphylactic shock when under anaesthetics, which has caused loss of consciousness, labored breathing, swelling of the tongue and breathing tubes, blueness of the skin, low blood pressure, and heart failure, on a previous occasion and if not attended to it can cause death. Immediate emergency treatment is required for this type of shock.

He had lost consiousness three times when he had a big back operation 18 years ago, and had to be given a heart catheter in order to administer drugs to bring him back!

I feel só sorry for C, who will have to wait for him outisde the theatre, but she refuses to take me along, she says I must stay and cook them a nice, soft supper!! Eisch!

Please pray for him!! LuvUAll!

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