Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


The kids and I drove ~6 hours northeast this morning to Cheney, WA where our dear friends Josh and Stacy live with their kids T and M.

We met pre-kids when we lived in Corvallis and Josh and I were in the same master's program, so in many ways our kids have grown up as part of each other's extended family. They moved out of Corvallis only a few months before we did, and since then we've been lucky enough to enjoy visits several times a year. Usually, this occurs when they come to Oregon to visit Josh's family. But once or twice a year we venture to Cheney to enjoy some fun together in their hometown!

After a long but uneventful drive, we shared dinner and some playtime, and then Stacy read bedtime stories to all four kids. This was the book E chose, in perfect 3-year-old fashion.

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