Another Day of Being CK

By anotherdayck

Bus = sometimes beautiful

'Sometimes' being key word, 'rarely' being a key word also.....

BUT when a sunset strikes, so do I, on my weapon of choice; my baby; my camera.

6/7 hours later, and we arrive at our dark destination... Dunedin... a.k.a Dunners, a.k.a Otago, a.k.a home to thousands of scarfies and derelict houses that weep icicles all year round.

Greeted by young men in full coloured body suits. I admittedly asked one to "see how heavey my bag is!" and at my luck & fortune & charm, it got taken to the mighty hall that is Selwyn (not as good as C.H., duh).

It was a cultural exchange, I was a supporter, I slept on a stretcher, we lost, 'nuff said.

(apart from the fact I got to see some amazing friends & an amazing city & met more amazing people a.k.a Bill English's daughter who has a scholarship to go to Cambridge.. She may have caned us, but she was as modest as a mouse, and one of the nicest people I met at Selwyn!)

Congratulations Twig on your 2 year Blip Anniversary :) You are one of the most inspirational people I know. Your passion (I dread that word) is contagious & your photos are to die for!

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