
By Bytey

Big Bird

I spent half of the weekend looking for a big bird to blip but they were no where to be seen, then I saw this on my way back from a job this morning. I saw it sat in the tree as I drove passed, so I turned around and went back, luckily it was still there, so I got the camera out......and he took off. It was very impressive, his wing span must have been about a meter, but I didn't have time to focus on him while he was in fight. I thought the chance had gone, but he came back and landed in another tree just a bit further up the road, I slowly eased the car up the road and took this shot through the windscreen.
I was a bit annoyed to find that I left my white balance on the wrong setting, so I had to do a bit of messng about in Photoshop (which I'm very much a novice with) to get it looking half decent.

I think it's a Goshawk, but hopefully CC will be along shortly to tell me exactly what it is.

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