Bitter River

By shaun22

Flesh and Blood

by Zephuros

i have a habit of blipping this guy..
(1 2 3)
he lives down the hall from me this upcoming school year,
and if all of the subleaser blips werent enough,
we're both working on Housemates in the fall.
dont worry, there will be plenty of blips in due time to explain.

the show was really good.
he had some new songs,
as well as some from the album he recorded in the spring
(you can never have enough animal songs).
the coffee was also really good.
i miss donkey.
i wanted to get the vanilla chai,
but it was too hot out, and its not at all the same iced.

80s guitar hero followed laaater on that night,
and now i'm addicted to Judas Priest again.

this was made my assignment8 several days later,
because i kinda forgot about the assignment.
this pic works for it though.
this is my fav coffee house,
and i love watching friends perform.

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