The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

A blip sister meet

At long last we managed another blip meet.

Well there may only have been two of us and one was my blip sister Trabroun, but we did have a great time catching up.

We had decided to do some photography for our blips, but Sis "Forgot" her camera.
So after a coffee and discovering Hopetoun house didn't open till 1st April, so we weren't going there to blip, I caught sight of the wee train going across a certain, famous bridge.


Well almost.

We eventually decided on retail therapy and met up with Ally for lunch.

Thanks Trabroun.

After we parted I went to see my Big sis W, to see how her broken wrist is mending and took her some cakes ( just for the nieces of course).
She seems to be living in the West Lothian equivalent of Wisteria Lane. It certainly is a neighbourhood with more than it's fair share of suburban excitment.

Braved the mounting blizzards to drive home.
Snow on the hills and a lot forecast for the next 3 days.



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