
By SoMuchLaughter

Important Things

This is a picture looking at my picture!

This picture is also pointing out some very important things in my life right now.
1) The obviously huge thing, the computer. As a college student, my computer is my academic (and partially social, FACEBOOK) life. It also holds all my wonderful music I own. It's my communication device to see my friends and boyfriend through Skype. It's how I can do cool new things like blipfoto.
a) My new pink mouse that makes the computer accessible!

2) Cell phone. I feel lost without it, and I know we all hate people that say this. But it's true. I'm in a long distance relationship, and our means of talking is mostly through the computer and cell phone. The cell phone is vital to the survival of our relationship, along with other things such as love...

3) Blood test strips. I am a type one diabetic, so my health has become a huge health concern for me! May will make it 17 years since I was diagnosed.

4) In the background I have some pretty cool music posters, John Butler Trio and Ani DiFranco (who happens to be my idol, but is also covered up by obnoxious school work).

But yes, there are some technological things that mean a lot at this current time in my life

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