The Laws

By thelaws


Managed to amass a reasonable collection of cookery books over the years. Some of them seem just short-term fads and others are in for the duration. The one on the far left is my all time, can not be without book. I don't think I've ever cooked properly from it, but its a complete guide to food prep and odd things like how to clean a squid. Which is invaluable when I go though a 'phase' and decide home made calamari from whole squid is the 'dish of the day'.

Currently on a Jamie Oliver phase right now, so all recipes are coming from one of his many books. The Boy and I like his 'Ministry of Food' right now - it's a great book for a child just graduating from children's cook books who isn't that fond of reading. The step by step pictures make following a recipe relatively easy for him, and that's all the better for me too!

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