
By mar

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Thank Heaven for Little Girls
~Maurice Chevalier

Today has been a day of frustration with Photoshop. From the time I dropped Charlotte off at school until when I finally pried my fingers away from the keyboard around 2 to run errands, I worked on the same object, achieving nothing.

Charlotte's birthday is coming up this Saturday. We've been asking her what she wants but keep getting told nothing, or just jewelery (as she knew I bought her a necklace already). We can't have a kid turn 8 and not open a gift so been nagging Charlotte for ideas. All she wants is a trip to Birmingham so she can shop at the Bullring and go to both Think Tank and the Art Gallery. When I was 8 I wanted a football (American). Who is this kid?!

Anyhoo, decided that my girly girl needed proper gifts to open so did a splash of shopping today. She is really into doing her hair and nails and loves wearing jewelery. I think my favorite is the dragon-fly ring. I wanted it but it didn't come in my size.

And tonight in class, everything just clicked. I'm not done my assignment but some of the clouds have been lifted and the frustration was quashed. Now if I can only say the same about taking a course with Michael ;-)

Edit to add: Charlotte has been wanted earrings since forever. Michael refuses to budge on it. The other day Charlotte apparently said to Michael 'So about these earrings, do you need a parental consent form to get them done then?' Michael just gave the look. It ended the discussion nicely.

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