
By mariab

Easter is coming

Love this Gorilla.

Below are parts of a sermon that have to do with this Easter season- I enjoyed reading it very much. Here is the link to anyone who wants to read it in its entirety http://www.ourdayspring.org/2004-sermon-texts.php (written April 4, 2004)

We all need saving but from what and to what?

You say you?re oppressed by someone and need rescuing? Maybe real salvation
for you is learning to love your enemies.
You say you?re tired of that thorn in the flesh and so you yell Hosanna wanting
Jesus to change you? When maybe your real salvation is coming to accept yourself as
you are? to embrace what is human about you? limitations and all.
You think you need affirmation? but real salvation would be in discovering a
self that doesn?t crave it so, or maybe at all.
Wishing God would save you with some peace of mind? But maybe this God
wants to disturb you out of your slumber and sloth. Because the world needs you.
You want protection??? Maybe God wants you vulnerable.
You want certainty? and God offers you mystery.
You want boundaries? and God invites you to be one.

It?s hard to know, really? just how we need saving. We stand curbside with
palm branch in hand and think we know? perhaps.
But Jesus throws us off by riding a donkey? and throws us off even more by
suffering and dying. And inviting us to follow him up that hill to that cross.
And the sight of that... ought to give us pause as we yell Hosanna. Yell it, by all
means, your savior is here? but be careful with your expectations of just how Jesus is
going to do that in your life.

- Burt Burleson

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