
By schlimm


Normal Friday, managed to get over an hour to myself this morning. Spent it at the Dean Gallery Cafe, drinking lovely tea (had not enough money in purse to add cake or scone...) and writing a long letter to my aunt. To date (this is a backblip) I have not yet posted it or finished writing it but the main bit is done.

After a nice enough walk in the quickly overcasting weather picked up L from school, took her to swimming and then returned home fairly quickly only to find out that the visitor for this afternoon could not come. Instead we quickly made some crispy cakes and A had great pleasure licking the spoon(s).
Luckily L and A's boyfriend came to help make the "cakes" and K took some of them home with her.

I'm still enjoying eating them now.

Even managed to make some pizzadough as well and the girls loved their little pizzas for dinner.

All in all a successful day even though the weather got really cold and not very nice in the afternoon.

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