
By nicky

Last night I had a bit of a panic finishing (well, starting and finishing, if I'm honest) my square for this month (see here for details about the project and a blip of the one I was taking my inspiration from) as it is supposed to arrive with the next group member on the first of the next month. Hopefully the next person will get it in time. I have now received my next one from another member of the group, so no sooner have I finished this one than I have to start thinking about the next one.

Paul and I watched another episode of Lost tonight - we are working our way through series 5, having started it when it was first on but as we missed too many, we thought we'd wait til it was out on DVD. We have now caught up with where we got to first time round, and tonight was the first 'new' episode. Exciting stuff - but also VERY confusing. Will it ever come to a satisfactory conclusion? Paul is doubtful, but I remain optimistic!

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