
By mar

I bought some batteries, but they weren't included

I bought some batteries, but they weren't included.
Steven Wright

Today I had my first real working mom dilemma and it wasn't a nice feeling. Originally, I was to work in the morning and then get back in time to watch Charlotte's Assembly then help with the PTFA's Easter Egg Hunt. Instead, I went to the Public - but it was for work. Charlotte, although understanding the predicament, was still a bit annoyed with me. I did my best to explain that it was all daddy's fault and she understood. Ha!

Must admit, I did enjoy going to the Public although felt it had a lot more to offer but wasn't being used to it's fullest potential. But they are looking into doing a lot more. Meanwhile, I had a good look around by myself which is a bit complicated to do when the museum art gallery is very interactive. So I was pushing buttons and running to see the effects. It wasn't easy but also wasn't impossible. In hindsight, I probably looked like the village idiot.

Afterwards, Michael and I went shopping for the birthday girl. We are both having a very hard time dealing with having an 8 year old. To indicate this, we bought the perfect card. On the front are two smiling parents with the saying 'Happy Birthday to our daughter', inside it says 'we're smiling because we're your parents and there is nothing you can do about it!' See? Perfect.

Tonight, we shut our alarms off. They won't be needed until next week for London.

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