The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Celebrate life

The funeral of my colleague Jane.

Just how a life should be celebrated.

A packed cathedral....yes Cathedral.
A large gathering of family and friends.
A joint eulogy from her sister and all 3 of her children.
A slide show of her life.
A lot of laughter.
A few tears.
A thank you from Jane to everyone, via her children.

Isn't it amazing what you learn about people at their funeral.
I never knew she had been arrested for trying to stop the bulldozers pulling down an old building in her student days.
I did know what a kind and joyful person she was, who always saw the good in people.
I for one will miss her, but rejoice in having known a tiny bit of her.

Thank you Jane.

The blip?
.... driving up Glen Devon with the sun going down and the ice reflecting the light on the snow.

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