Balancing nature&nurture

By wellbalancedpup

Building up to the Party

We had a "quieter" day today, blitzing my parents lounge in a vain attempt to reduce the size of the piles of books and papers. My father said "Well I suppose I used to have a secretary. I've always used the pile approach and they used to keep me organised." He has piles on piles of obscure history books despite him being an engineer and in my Mum's corner she's buried under gardening magazines, seed catalogues and novels. I think I have inherited this trait from both of them arrgh.

But today we did well, we recycled old magazines, discovered we had 5 years of Which magazine archived in the front room and sorted some paperbacks for Oxfam and the W.I.

All of this endeavour was to make some space for the amazing collection of anniversary cards that is swelling at every post and making ready for the onslaught of family and friends due in the next few days.

After all not that many people make it to 60 years of marriage and much to mum's satisfaction she even got a card from the Queen!

The Party is on Sunday, so subject to my collecting the cake, sorting out a tie for Owen, washing the car, posting my driving license renewal, visiting my friends mum in the hospital and making sure my Lumix is insured while Jamie takes it to Snow Bomb, all is looking good. Work and everything else is waiting until after the event.

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