This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost


No this is not some dead or injured girl, this is just me, lying in the street in the dark morning of Easter in front of my house clutching daffodils from my yard. I don't know what it means, if anything.

I like walking out in the yard in the dark with my camera, my bare feet, the wrinkled clothes I slept in and my crazy mess of hair. Half asleep, I decide it is a lie in the road day. Cars hiss by on the main road less than a block away. I get my shot, and up over the hill headlights approach. I get up quickly and scurry across the road back to my yard, with some trepidation. Will the car slow? Do they wonder about me? Did they even notice?

Everything has gone green here, the honeysuckle has leafed out, creating a buffer around my home, a moat of sorts. I always like it when this happens. The birds can not be ignored.

Today is Easter. Seems too early this year. I think my Mother will agree. We usually think Easter comes too early these days. The Easter flowers (these weeds I don't know the proper name for, haven't even begun to come up yet). The Easter flowers make the best hiding place for eggs, because they are tall and bushy. But, there are no eggs to be hidden, so I guess it all works out anyway.

Yesterday, I went to the studio. I did not paint. I returned emails and talked to my studio mates, it was a zero of a day. Too bad- nothing to report. Too much talking and then fairly early to sleep. The dreams I had were fragmented, I wanted the Chinese dreams to return, but I had a salad for dinner. So I had salad dreams...

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