Life Uncommon

By lifeuncommon


We started this rainy Saturday by attending our neighborhood Easter egg hunt, which was a much bigger affair than I'd anticipated! It was obvious that it was a well-tuned event that's happened for many years - complete with canopies over the food tables containing donuts, fruit, coffee, and juice, Mom-led games such as an egg toss and a sack race, and Dad-led egg hiding split into areas by age! It was a lot of fun, and both kids came home with a prize apiece from the games and a bag full of treat-filled eggs.

In the afternoon we hosted dinner for my Mom and Dad. We were celebrating Easter as well as my Dad's (belated) birthday and E's (early) birthday, as my parents will be out of town for the real thing. We enjoyed a traditional Easter meal, with the exception of our appetizer of steamer clams - it was A's first time trying them (she was a fan!) E declined, naturally. We also enjoyed lots of wonderful conversation, and E opened and played with his new remote-controlled train set for hours.

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