
By LadyFindhorn

These Shoes Ain't Made for Walking

These shoes belong to our host for the evening, although I have to say they are being worn during the afternoon and not for the dinner tonight...... well I don't think they are.. He is very idiosyncratic and a larger than life character and we are looking forward to a splendid and exciting evening in his and his wife's company on their 50th wedding anniversary.
On arrival at the hotel we delighted in parking our modest Ford Focus next to his gleaming state of the art Rolls Royce.

I could also mention that his shoes were almost eclipsed by the Jimmy Choo shoes worn by one of the ladies present.
I'm a bit daunted having seen the sophistication of these assembled ladies; so glad I have my mascara and eyeshadow with me. Pity about the lack of beautiful red nail polished fingers. Mine have spent this week scrubbing skirting boards and rather ressemble the hands of a scullery maid. Ah well I'll have to rely on my personality ..... or not!

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