The Rice Bowl

By MountainJoe

Watchful Guardian

You can really tell the breeding in dogs - the Doberman was bred as a watchdog and that's exactly what ours like to spend her time doing ;-)

She loves watching her 'domain' from this spot for two reasons - one is that it's right next to the heating vent so it's nice and warm; and the second is because it affords her a good view of her yard and our neighbor's yard where two German Shepherds reside :)

It's been a couple of days of very cold rain and I liked this B&W treatment to isolate the fog and to convey the gray moody light coming through the window early this morning.

Once again taken with the Zeiss 50mm - I am going to have to force myself to pry this lens off my camera as I do have a bunch of other lenses at my disposal ;-)

Best viewed large.

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