Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

From the father to the son

Was visiting my parents and also my grand mom in my hometown during the easter. During our visit my mother gave few different tech Legos to my son she had found during some cleanup of the closets. I have naturally already forgot the existence of these toys I at the time loved so much. The package says the year was 1982.

I'm not so fond of any modern plastic toys marketed to our youngsters with huge commercial machinery. They don't take abuse well and are usually more like one hit wonders. So I like to buy old fashioned wooden train kits or quality kids bikes, trailers etc to my son and god-son etc. Try to educate them also to appreciate better values and try to do the same with my dear gear for several hobbies and not to go with the flow. I'm sure you get the point.

However, while putting together some red rally car or huge bulldozer with the junior I remembered the feeling I had when playing with these at the time. It made me think a little bit deeper. Perhaps the case is the same than in many other things as well - good quality can really give some great experiences from one generation to the other - no matter if it is about plastic Legos or steel bikes from the time of second world war. I stand now corrected.

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