A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Snowdon by name

So many photographs to choose from for today. Was very tempted to use one with beautiful blue sky, partly because it was the most perfect colour but largely because it was so joyously unexpected. The weather forecast for our Welsh weekend had been rain, rain and a bit more rain. In fact, there was a lot of rain but it all came at night. Only disturbing if you are sleeping 6 inches away from the roof of a campervan that feels so unstable it might blow over in the wind. Otherwise, not a problem at all.

Early arrival at Snowdon to catch the first train up the mountain. A large snowfall at the top meant we could only go 5/8 of the way up and, as you can see, or not see, the peak was not visible. Look closely and you can see a couple of intrepid walkers who were not to be robbed of their view of the peak.

Didn't make it any the less beautiful or impressive. Did make us all want to come back in the summer. Spent the rest of the morning and lunch at Lake Padarn at the base of Snowdon. Carl wanted to pack it up and take it home.

The campsite we were staying on was beautifully located at the foot of the mountain range, complete with a crystal clear mountain river. So clear there was never much hope of the kids catching anything but that didn't stop them from a spot of fishing. Wonderful to see our city kids caked in mud and taking to the great outdoors with such relish.

Day ended with dinner and a couple of card games: Strip Jack Naked and Sevens.

Lesley x

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