All things Blipable....

By Tina

Showering in Tea?

Came home after a nice walk along our local beach.. just me and my man...
it was a very thought provoking walk.. as they had massacred many of the trees that lined the beach where we walk.. Kind of seemed very barbaric, and made me think how totally unnecessary it seemed.. But im sure they had their reasons for doing it!

it was an overcast evening.. with lots of jelly fish washed up on to the shore line...
It still takes my breath away when i walk down the beach..

Came home and went for a nice shower...
Began to think.. ooh my hair dyes coming out really badly..
Then realised that it wasn't my hair dye it was the actual water..
it was like showering in Tea..

And then i realised.. maybe there is a small part of me looking forward to returning to the UK after all... (not so many power cuts/ water shortages/ and BROWN showers.. But also NO beach either.. darn!)

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