
By tookie

tulip day

Took my dear friend Barb up to see the tulips near Mt. Vernon Wa. today but it was so freezing cold and extremely windy that we really couldn't get out much into the elements. She was a good sport and seemed to just enjoy the ride. I wanted her to have a day of a bit less worry about her daughter recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I've known Barb for thirty four years now--ever since moving out to this state from the mid-west. She's so giving and always so appreciative of the simplest kind gesture and so easy to please. At 83 now life is a physical struggle for her and dealing with losing her daughter really makes it a struggle. Altho it was a nasty day to go to the tulip fields, it turned out lovely just to ride, share the views and have a delightful lunch with each other's company.

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