Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


Well, here it is, my 100th Blip in a row. Wow. Who'da thunk it?

I did have a teensy bit of tension around what to do for such a momentous occasion, but then I saw Inspire Design and the stunner that she did and why, and I realised what I should do was follow my creative heart.

So into the car at the crack of a sparrow burp this morning and found myself heading to my absolutely favourite place - Tyningham (and thanks forever to Emma & Em for introducing me to it as it's not one of those places you'd find on your own easily).

The whole forest and beach to myself, except for the occasional startled deer (and I think I saw a wolf too, but that's another story), it was completely where I wanted to be with my camera and captured completely what Changing Natures is for me.

I decided that I needed to commemorate the event in some way, so built a wee cairn of stones and shells, and blipped that as the dawn rose over the headland and it's rosy fingers hit the beach and rock pools behind.

So no literal interpretation....unless...:
C for cairn, at the sea..c...C...Century...100 ;-)

Big huge thanks to everyone - Blip is such a fabulous place, I'm a bit evangelical about it now. *Big Hugs* to the lovely folks:
...who make it happen front end and behind the scenes (you probably had no idea what you were creating when you first launched this huh?);
...who inspire me with their talent and imagination; and
...who very kindly let me know what they think of my fledgling efforts

Totally aware that 100 still means I'm a relative newbie on here, but I'm loving how much I'm learning in such a supportive and inspirational community and can't wait to see what the next 100 days will turn up!


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