
We arrived in Sussex on Thursday afternoon, after a much more relaxing drive. Checked into the hotel then my sister picked us up and we went back to her house and had an evening meal (chicken curry, mmm!).

She goes to a regular Bingo evening at the local ex-services club every Thursday so I chummed her along. Mr T went with my brother-in-law to his pub instead (the Broadway, East Grinstead) and joined us later. I had never played Bingo before so needed a lot of help - but managed to win £40! Drinks all round! Afterwards we walked back to the hotel, only about a mile along the main road.

The bingo caller, shown here, has been doing it for a long time and has his own unique patter for the numbers, eg "Eight and nine, 89, the Bluebell line". My favourite was "It's that ooooooooold currant bun, it's on its own, it's number one!" Apparently on occasion he gets it wrong and says - Two! - at the end, by which time everyone has dabbed the wrong number!

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