
A full day of visitors, outings and visiting for Mrs42, Baby42 and I. We met friends for tea and scones at Crammond

This is Mrs42 with one of our close friends - given the 'seaside snapshot' treatment.

As it was such a glorious day, a couple of us cycled up the River Almond path to Crammond Brig and then through the Dalmeny estate and back to Crammond.

We even got told off by the lady of the manor for entering the curtilage of the manor. Well, E did cycle through the barriers, but the house looked pretty unoccupied and he was only going for a sneaky look!

She was terribly posh. But once we'd chatted for a minute she was actually quite pleasant. That is once she realised we weren't just uneducated yobs and that we understood what curtilage meant :-)

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LOTD: I really like Alan JamesRoss' "It's a Sign" blip - great DOF and almost wistful feeling. A sign of summer? Lets hope so!

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