Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

I love music.

Music was a hard theme because it is so important to me. It is a huge part of my life and has been since I was a little girl. One of my earliest memories is sitting sifting through my dads singles.

I love singing as well so joined my first am dram group when I was about 21. The score for that is the white book on the piano.

I stopped Am Dram recently as I could not fit it all in at the moment so started with a Ladies Barbershop Chorus. I absolutely love it. Strict four part harmonies - gorgeous. We are competing in October and I have been promised alcohol and sings songs in the Bar till 4am!!!!. The pink folder on top is all the music, its amazing! I also joined a quartet and that is fantastic so I desperately learning the music as you have no-one to listen to and its so easy to start singing the other parts.

Thats where the IPOD comes in.......I love it.....I think there is something like 45+ days worth of music on it. Childrens stuff, Dh stuff, my stuff.......putting it on shuffle normally causes shouts of "turn that rubbish off" as me and DH have differing tastes. It also has all the teach tapes for Barbershop so I am playing that allll the time when tidying up etc.

The piano and the guitar...I am really quite shocking at both. I have never received any music lessons so am self-taught and it shows. I love it though.

The Beatles score- they are my favourite band - ever ever ever!!!!!

There is always music on in my house.

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