Our five mile world

By hazyheap

We enjoy feeding the wild birds all year round. This now includes this very cocky and quite tame pheasant. As we worked, the sound of a woodpecker drumming on the bark of a tree building a new nest for the season echoed across the valley.

Tomorrow Bill goes into hospital for his cataract op first thing in the morning so will not be able to dig or bend for several weeks.
Anyone who knows Bill, will know that this will be an anthema to him.
He loves being outdoors.

His day began by felling a large, old rotten silver birch that was about to fall on the roadway in the company of our friend and neighbour Stuart.
I couldn't decide which photo to blip as there was a great one of Bill half-way up the tree roping it and Stuart in his bright yellow digger pulling the other end.

Decided on this blip because of his beautiful smile!

Rushing to complete the tattie planting, he then spent most of the day digging and planting up our potato beds.
I spent the whole of this wonderfully sunny day letting the sun see my peely wally legs for the first time in months as I weeded, raked up dead leaves and spread masses of gravel across the yard,
Downing a glass of wine as I wait for the bath to fill.
What a great satisfying day.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

PS Just had the most lovely Blip from Yoga Mamma
Finlay...............Grandpa says " love your new toothy-pegs,thank you for your good wishes and you will look even more beautiful after my op"

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