No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Spring flowers...

After a VERY late night last night, we had a bit of a lie-in this morning! And then a leisurely buffet lunch in the Evesham Hotel - a very quirky place! The weather was gorgeous again today, if a little cooler, and walking round the gardens at the hotel I came across these snake's head fritillary - I love these flowers so much as they always remind me of the Mackintosh paintings of them (was it Charles Rennie or his wife Margaret that did these paintings? I can never remember!). Anyway, I thought they'd make a colourful spring blip today.

Back home now after a thankfully uneventful flight, tired now so won't be a late one tonight! Kids have been great so far at my mum & dad's, although apparently wee D has been trying to assert himself by throwing some major tantrums - which have been promptly ignored by all!! They're staying down there until Tuesday though, to give us a bit of time to get the decorating under way, amongst other things.

Tomorrow is Husband's birthday, so we are celebrating by having a nice lunch out and some drinks too at the West Brewery place on Glasgow Green, hopefully the good weather will last and we might even get to sit outside! And then it'll be back to the painting... :-)

And happy birthday today to my two sisters, hope they've had a fun day. Xx

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