sanna dyker

By sannadyker

lost camera, found chamber pot?

I haven't managed to upload any photos for a while now as i annoyingly lost my camera. After trying to find it for a good few weeks i had to sadly give up the chase and find another way to take photos. Thankfully my old digital camera was unearthed, and although it isn't the best quality, it works and takes photos, and for research, that's all i really need for now. It also had over 400 old photos left on it, which was quite a lovely treat. I've also bought a film camera, and have my lomo, so photos can still thankfully be taken after all.
So here is a odd little photo to start the ball rolling again. A little cup which i found in a junk shop at the weekend. It was a bit creepy, and didn't make any sense at first, but since showing friends, they think that it my be a chamber pot. Either a very small one for a child, or a small replica of an original. If so i now have a chamber pot sitting at my window. A very nice one indeed.

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