Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Yes, I am so lucky to be living here. Stuck in the office from 7:30 till 5 with 10 minutes for lunch but I can walk out from home to this in the evening. It may not be a mountainside or the sea but it will do very nicely until my holidays. And it is Blipping that has given me the incentive to "walk out from home" this evening so healthwise it is hopefully doing me some good!

The weather is quite unbelievable at the moment and I am only hoping this is not the heatwave before the storm, or the good weather before our holiday. Which is still a while off but I am so stressed out at work that it is forefront in my mind at the moment.

Having had a busy, in a nice way, weekend, I am behind with my commenting but hope to catch up soon. In the meanwhile, thank you so much for all the wonderful comments that have come my way. I am truly amazed and grateful!

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