Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Hand Written Letter

On this spring break Monday we did a lot of nothing and enjoyed it immensely. We understand it rained a bunch last night (our neighbor told us, so I guess that means we slept soundly). Actually, I slept in a little this morning. Mr. Fun who loves early mornings was gracious and let me sleep. When I started waking, he brought a hot fresh French-press pot of chocolate coffee and my favorite cup to our bedroom table.

Then I pulled back the curtains to see the tail-end of the rain clouds as they drifted east, and soon were gone. By noon more clouds had gathered and were again dropping rain. Then late afternoon the sky was clear and pretty. Now as the dark of night arrives, it looks like we may have more rain.

Mid-afternoon Mr. Fun took his car to the tire store to get it aligned and to purchase two new back tires. So the car is ready now if we decide to take a long drive this week. Right now we're just enjoying the freedom of considering a journey to the Monterey Bay area to spend a night or three, but then again we may just go to our favorite beach city here for a few nights. There is no pressure and no rush. Mr. Fun has the week off and I have to be back in the classroom Tuesday, April 20th. So we're just enjoying a relaxed pace and no agenda.

Today's stack of mail seemed worth a photo and an explanation. We received a hand-written letter from "Pops." He was my mom's second husband and the man who raised me. He was (and is) a fabulous stepdad. He and his wife, Sheri, live near Bakersfield, which is about a 3-hour drive north of us. We see Pops & Sheri seldom, but we stay in touch all though out the year. We also received an envelope with a picture of someone handwriting. The combo of those two pieces of mail were interesting.

In his letter, Pop's apologizes for not knowing how to send an email and that his writing might contain spelling errors. I love his handwritten letter and all the newsy info about his garden and fruit trees and the trip they are planning to take in May when they will go on a cruise with Sherry's brother and his wife. We like receiving real mail. Andy Rooney from the TV news program 60 Minutes ended his segment on "mail" with these words: "The best mail is a letter from a friend or a relative. Email has all the charm of a freight train!"

I think he's right, but I'll still welcome an email rather than nothing.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. We have NO wireless Internet in the house right now. It's awful. I have to be upstairs away from the warmth of the fireplace and Mr. Fun (who's watching TV), so besides having a terrible lack of inspiration at the moment, this lack of wi-fi is not helping my ability to comment. I love all of your (that's everyone's) blips, but commenting from the screen of my iPhone is overwhelming. Hopefully soon the wireless will get fixed.

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