hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Heron and on and on .....

Took a walk round Harborne and Moorpool this morning, the latter being an interesting area which seems to be modelled on the 'new town' philosophy of say, Hampstead Garden Suburb in London, near which I used to live. Perhaps here it's related to the Bournville model - no shops, pubs or services, very similar style of houses, and private recreation areas (tennis courts, a small theatre and this pool). It even has a toad crossing (which I featured earlier in my blips) although I'm sad to report today that two toads, or frogs, were squished on the road at the crossing. They really need to wear high-vis jackets to stand a chance against the high-speed cars on that road.

Was just dawdling by the eponymous Moor Pool watching the ducklings, and a huge heron just took off from an island. Hence not a very good picture as I had to be quick on the draw, and was a long way from it ... such a beautiful bird, so softly grey and majestic.

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