Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Yum, Yum, Yum

We have recently bought a Tripp Trapp style highchair for Lyra (for those of you who don't know what that is, it looks a lot more basic than your average highchair but costs a lot more.... But on the plus side it means your little angel joins you at the table for dinner rather than using a tray on their highchair). She's started joining us at mealtimes as we're hoping to get her interested in food as she should be starting on solids in a few weeks when she hits six months.

Well... The plan worked a little too well. At lunch today Lyra got so interested in my food that she stole some and put it in her mouth. If she's ready and interested I'm not going to discourage her so I gave her a stick of banana (which judging by her facial expression was tasty but confusing) and then dipped her spoon in my yoghurt and gave it to her.

The yoghurt was a big hit. She loved it. And thought that as well as tasting delicious it made a good face mask. She had yoghurt in her hair and eyes before the session was over so lunch was followed by bathtime fun!

Well we always said we wanted to do babyled weaning. You can't get more babyled than that can you? Just don't tell the health visitor or she'll have kittens ;-)

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