Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Out of the box.

Before I began posting on blip I felt as though I was trapped in a very familiar box. Squashed in so tight that I could not express myself. Looking back I can see that I painstakingly built that box out of many things - frustration, fear, anger, an inability to let things go and a growing sense of unhappiness. Having built the damn thing I clambered in, carefully folding each part of me in to fit and pulled the lid shut.

I'm in a much better space now and for a variety of reasons. This place has to be one of them. Just being able to put a moment or thought 'out there' and leave it has been incredibly liberating. Glimpses into your days have moved me, inspired me, made me smile and often put things into perspective. A multi-coloured slice of life. It's all here.

I feel creative again and that's a feeling with a whole lot of possibility.

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