Up North

By Carwij

Looking for .....

signs in the city of Emmen. Jeannette and I joined a group of people who love to make photographs. The 'Emmen Urban Photo Collective' group. The group meets once a month in several cities. In Emmen these day's are organized by Fokko. The theme of today was 'signs'.
The weather couldn't have been better and we had a great day. It was great fun to see people around us looking at us as a group. You could see them think 'what are they doing!' when one of us was stretching or bending (or kneeling) in a strange position to take a shot. Jeannette at one point was hanging on a door to photograph a sign above it :-).
For those who donn't read Dutch, the sign says 'privat property'.

Hope to do this again in June!

Runner up!

O my! When I uploaded I noticed this is my 200th entry, I didn't realize and did nothing special! I'll make up .....

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