
By treegonk

Room 101

- Smoking

I started smoking, like most other people when I was a teenager. It was 'good fun' at school, a social thing, part of the gang, etc. Like most other people I thought - "I know it's not good for me, but I'll just smoke for a while...I'm not addicted.. I could give up tomorrow..."

Research has concluded that it is more addictive than heroin. It does more damage to people than probably any other drug in the world. It is legal to sell it all over the world. Tobacco companies still spend millions on marketing, glossy packaging and subliminal advertising. Governments preach and set up stop-smoking helplines, make posters and ban it in public places, but still continue to rake in tax by the millions on cigarettes. They know people are addicted.

When they say 'oh, it'll stop people smoking if we make it more expensive', they know exactly what they are doing. Maybe 1% of smokers will stop because it is too expensive.

Banning it in public places prevents other people breathing in the shit, which is great, but smoking outside pubs and restaurants has become quite a social thing. Maybe another 1% gave up because they couldn't smoke in the pubs and restaurants.

I will stop.. soon... one day...definitely, but I would give anything to go back and slap that teenager in the face and show them how bloody stupid it is.

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