tangerine smiles.

By shelbyleigh

hold your breath

i am just waiting for this semester to be over. i've fallen so far behind that catching up now, with only three weeks left, seems like such an impossible task. i don't care about any of these subjects. i did. but i don't anymore.

i have a sociology research project which is just like something i'd do in highschool. find the data, analyze the data, summarize the data. the only difference is this takes six times as long. its all technical, and i'm not learning a thing.

my asia paper, 10-12 pages. i think i'll be writing about the japanese occupation of south korea, how it's affected religion, and the reconciliation process. it was an interesting topic when i first discovered it. i just dont know how to go about beginning this thing.

my creationism paper. this is my final grade. 8-10 pages on creationism. the most vague assignment description ever. and all i want to do is rant for ten pages on how i feel philosophy to be such a stagnant art. i'm all for thought, thought is beautiful, wonderful, moving, but philosophy lacks action. thought will take us nowhere till it makes us want to jump and fight and sing and we actually do it. and all this class has been is talking in circles, avoiding theology and science, solid practices with actual foundation. philosophy claims to rely on reason, but human "rationality" is SO flawed, how can we even begin to figure things out on our own? we need to go on what we are given, what we have discovered, not what we pull out of our own minds.


may 5th, i'm out. hallelujah.

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