A lovely tune

Part of Spring cleaning means going through every drawer in the house, sorting, tossing, organizing. I am terrible at the job of doing so because I stumble upon objects and they are completely distracting, me being rather sentimental and all.

It happened then that I found this at the back of my desk drawer. Despite being thirty years old this past Easter, it still works perfectly. It was bought at a souvenir shop in Virginia the Spring after the Christmas that Mr. F proposed to me. We were just out and about with the family and he placed this in my hand without a lot of fanfare. I knew what it was but the awww moment didn't come until I turned the tiny crank to hear the tune it plays.

We drained the small water feature today-it held many gallons of snow meltwater which I pumped out and used to water the back garden with. Then I had the pleasant task of wiping out the pump bucket that was the scene of a mass earthworm drowning....gross. But it's filled, the recirculating pump hooked up and it is kind of a special moment when the water starts bubbling out of the granite boulder, a bit like giving a big finger to Old Man Winter.

If you can't make out the tune in the clip because of all the added sound effects, it is 'Always'.

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