Well, there we go, 1000 blips, in 1007 days.

Yes, 7 days shy, as way back in 2007, soon after starting I had a crisis while Mrs PS was away for 2 weeks - work, kids, blip. Blip lost.

Anyway since then things have gone much better. Blip (like for many here) is now just part of the daily routine. Yes, it takes time, and I could certainly use that time for many other things, but it's now an important part of what I do and who I am. As unusual as what that may sound.

1000 seems like quite a few photos, yet it's surprising how fast you can look thru them, as I have just done. Have to say, not that many stunners as far as I'm concerned, but that's probably due to my blip philosophy now. This is a (photo) diary for me, and a very useful one - it's been absolutely brilliant to look back on nearly 3 years of family experiences. I now often refer to blip to "remember" when we did something. That's blip for me now, not posting the best photo I take each day, but the photo that means most to me. So they are all stunners, in their own way.

Admittedly I have struggled to comment much for quite some time now, but (of course) I do always appreciate comments and try to respond as time allows. However family and work commitments mean time is an absolute premium, and we do go away a lot; both for work and leisure.

Blip has been a learning experience. Taking lots of images, probably around 70 000 in the past 3 years, means that your eye does become more attuned to what looks good. Also I have learnt a lot about gear. I moved from a Canon 20D to a 40D and now a 7D. Next steps include some photography courses, experimenting with lighting, and probably some more gear. It's a great excuse ;-)

So to have reached 1000, fantastic! Hard to believe really. So many inspiring people here and photos, you're a credit to blip, as of course is Joe and his team - simply fabulous. Thanks to you all for making it such a great place. I'll be here for a while yet ;-)

And why the funny faces in a cheesy 1000? Well, the family has featured a lot, and they participate daily in one way or another, Without them I wouldn't still be here. Thanks guys ;-)


All time faves (in no particular order)
* Peace
* Struggle
* Fishing
* Be mine
* Cousteau
* Bee

Also rans
* Filleting
* Fishing
* Oyster catcher
* Uke
* Alpure Magic
* Waitangi
* Magic carpet
* Preparation
* Circles
* Light
* Building

Mods: all shot against a black background, not framed ... you might be able to see the creases ;-)

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