
By esme


Today was a good day. Had a brunch and shopping date for the first time in... I can't even remember when I last went shopping with a girlfriend! We started with brunch in Stockbridge, then hit the charity shops. I love charity shops and especially like that so many of them are putting in such great effort to make their shops look fun and unique. I was very tempted by the pretty yellow flower dishes in the picture, but to be honest, the plates and bowls are too small for the portions napoleon and I tend to eat! We're gluttons!! Girly pal and I headed out of Stockbridge (passing the token Stockbridge landmarks pictured) and headed to town proper. Passed through St Andrews Square to look at the awesome wildlife photos on display at the mo. I was on the hunt for a bridesmaid dress now, but came out empty handed. Was home in time to heat up dinner (yeah leaftovers!) and catch the sunset before settling in to rest my weary feet.

Yes, today was a good day. I also got the good news that I am Auntie to another nephew! Dearly wish I could go to the hospital to see him, but alas he is an ocean away. Must wait 4 long months before I can see him in the flesh!

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