Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

John Butler Trio, Brussels

T and I enjoyed a night out last night. We caught the Australian roots/jam band, the John Butler Trio at the Ancienne Belgique, our favourite concert venue in Brussels. They were absolutely fabulous live! If you're looking to discover good guitar music you can dance to, please please check them out. Also here and here, an oldie but goodie.

I'm a slow learner with this camera. Not only do I stubbornly refuse to use flash, I also don't know how to shoot at nighttime. And I'd left my glasses at home so I was blindly fumbling around with the controls and hoping for the best. This is a very dark shot, taken from about 30 feet away, but it will have to do.

from left to right:
John Butler - guitars
Byron Luiters - drums
Nicky Bomba - bass

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