The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Happy Birthday to Me!

Birthday dinner! Here are the Gander and I at our favorite Sichuan restaurant near our house to celebrate my birthday. The guest-blipper is my Dad, visiting from the States for the 2nd time during our year-long stint here.

It was a wonderful birthday- it was spent getting numerous wishes from abroad, teaching 3 classes where all the students remembered it was my birthday and then here, enjoying a delicious meal and wonderful company.

What's not to love about a meal where you get insanely sweaty and your nose starts running? I'd say that's a great spicy dinner! We topped off the night with some beer and a movie- thanks to my 2 lovely men for celebrating it with me!

~The Goose

(Lots of Back blips to look at, starting HERE)

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