
I've set myself a little challenge. I'm going to blip autumn for the rest of the week (unless I change my mind ;-)

I'm enjoying autumn so much. My 7th floor office looks out across many beautiful trees on campus. I bike through parks and down street and lanes lined with deciduous trees. Each day I notice a increase in the intensity of colours.

My tyres crunch through acorns as I bike through Hagley Park. In the morning my knees grumble they're cold, eyes stream and I find myself pulling down the sweat band under my helmet to cover my ears.

Autumn fills my visual field, I hear it's crunch and feel it's morning nip and afternoon warmth. Yes, I'm going express my day in autumn for the rest of the week.

(I'm rather late as a nice man from the bank phoned to discuss loan renewal earlier this evening. I surprised us both with my financial knowledge. Even more scary, I nearly enjoyed it ;-)

PS Text this morning said Mum doing ok and feeling easier.

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