...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Street Diva

She is so NOT a diva...just fun to shoot. After church & lunch my hubby likes to watch tv with his eyes closed, I can hardly stand that, I want to 'DO' stuff!!!

Lucky for me, two weeks in a row, the Girl let me shoot at her. I had this idea of shooting in the street. Sunday is a perfect day for it, not too many cars go by. She is wearing her prom dress from 7 years ago, good for her, it still fits...I told her to put on her converse...we got quite a few good shots...the trolley is going by but it is hard to tell. I need practice, I know what I want...it is just getting there!!! Still fun. She is getting a lot to possibilities for her facebook, if nothing else.

It is good to be back!!!

Back blippage going on!!!

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