A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


or the warm orange glow of chavs setting fire to old sofas and stolen cars beyond the abondoned YMCA?

It is a sunset, but it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that the second option might have some truth to it.

I wish they'd knock the YMCA down. It's a horrible eerie building. It disturbs me greatly, and James visibly shivers as he walks past it. And that's without the local ne'er-do-wells hanging around it spraying obvious displays of their illiteracy.

Talking of low standards of literacy. What is journalism coming to? I know that I can be a bit of a grammar nazi sometimes, but I gasped out loud at the misuse of an apostrophe in this article. According to Sky, Gordon Brown said "I am you're man". So really he meant "I am you are man". Maybe he did mean that. I don't know. Either way, I am unhappy about the apostrophe, and equally unhappy that I now see a picture of Gordon Brown and my brain automatically plays "I'm your man" by Wham.

So many trivial things disturb me.

I have had a Benedryl tablet as the naughty tree pollen got me this evening on our little family walk. Benedryl apparently makes me very very sleepy, more so than if Ka the snake from the jungle book sang to me.

It also makes me hallucinate apparently, because James has just cleaned his teeth without me asking him to. That can't be right, surely?

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