Feeling Worlds Better

My daughter was pretty much herself today -- no fever to speak of, and she was her usual cheeky self. Thank you to those who left get-well wishes the past few days.

When I told her today that it was Earth Day, she asked, "What are we going to do for Earth Day?"

I said, "What do you think we should do for the earth?"

Without hesitation she resplied, "I think you should pull weeds."


It was a beautiful day and we both needed to get outside. Later, in the afternoon, I tried to convince her that we could plant radishes for Earth Day. I've been meaning to get my radishes and peas planted all week and thought I'd use Earth Day as an excuse.

"But radishes are for us, mama, not for the earth."

"Oh, radishes are for the earth, too."

"They are?? How come?"

"They produce oxygen." I wasn't about to let her foil my plan.

"But oxygen is for people, not the earth." Smarty.

"Oxygen is good for the earth, too." I told her with as much scientific authority as I could muster.

"Well.....OK." She didn't seem entirely convinced. "I guess radishes are good for everyone. They give the earth oxygen and they give us strong bones."

At that point I wasn't going to dispute the bone strengthening properties of radishes or try to talk her into planting the peas, too. I was simply grateful that we got the radishes in. And I even got to pull a few weeds.

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