Domestic Goddess

I have had 24 hours that made me feel like a domestic goddess! (something rarely felt) It was one of those days where you multitask to perfection, accomplish tons, and generally feel "Man, I rock at this!" It included:

- Rescuing a friend who is having a tough week from the flea investation of her new apartment that just about put her over the edge (understandably). Shopping, moral support, packing, moving, shoulder to cry on, unpacking, cleaning, vaccuuming, fumagating, hot pizza, cold ice cream, loads of laundry, hot shower, and a nice bug-free place to sleep on my couch.
- Loads and loads and loads of laundry (I was a bit paranoid that the bugs had followed us to my place). Stripping the bed and making a new taught super clean super comfy bed.
- Cooking my favorite lunch.
- Burning to a crisp two pieces of chicken for dinner.
- Sorting things
- Garbage, recycling, compost.
- Getting the mail and packages.
- Cleaning the kitchen
- Watering all the plants

and many many other things while simultaneously working, calling to chat with my dad, spurring on Mr. Apple to get his soul-crushing work over and done with, and preparing for my weekend getaway that I leave for very early tomorrow morning.

Oh, and blipping for today as well as changing yesterday's blip which I am quite proud of.

EDIT: I posted this to the wrong day (in the future!) on accident so I had to lose all your great comments. :( Thanks though!

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